Our E-solutions

Discover our innovative training courses designed to meet your needs with total flexibility! Whether you’re looking for a quick skills boost or more in-depth learning, our solutions adapt to your pace. Take advantage of our interactive e-learning courses to explore a subject in a comprehensive and immersive way, or choose a quick mini-course if you prefer short, targeted modules. For even more freedom, our learning buffet lets you put together your own programme by selecting the topics that interest you most.

Learn the way you want, the way you want, with content designed by experts and accessible at any time.

Mini Parcours

Time is a precious resource. Having 120 themes devoted to Soft Skills can be a complex task when you want to offer targeted learning paths.

We therefore wanted to help HR and learners in their work by offering around thirty ‘turnkey’ menus, i.e. learning paths each comprising between 5 and 8 themes linked to the desired area of development.


As part of a rapid learning approach, we offer concentrated learning on specific themes.

We have selected 3 theoretical contents for the following 5 pillars (I manage, I communicate, I develop, I think as a team and I take centre stage) for a specific issue within each pillar.


Our 120 themes are grouped into 12 pillars. Each of these pillars addresses a specific soft skills issue, such as communication, time management, team management and change management.

Each thematic module within these twelve pillars follows the same structure.

First there is a teaser, which provides a short reflection on the subject, followed by the content module itself, with tools, examples and perspective. This is followed by a quiz to ensure that the content has been properly anchored.

Downloadable tool sheets and a bibliography are available for each topic.

Finally, and always with a view to making the content more relevant, we provide short modules under the heading ‘Another look’, which are actually tales, parables, humorous stories or stories of a symbolic nature.